Saturday 24 September 2011

What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?

I feel like my looks are ruined pretty much for the rest of my life. I had trichotillomania. I would pull my eyebrows out when stressed. Well they grew back but they are so ugly. They do not lie flat against the skin. They move when I squint or change facial expressions. No two hairs seem to go in the same direction.

they look like this. look at the last pic and zoom in with your mouse over it.

they have literally ruined my confidence. I feel so depressed because of it. everywhere i read that eyebrows make or break your face, well i guess my face is broken permanently. i dont know how i will ever be able to talk to a girl that i like. my personality has been destroyed because of this.
What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?
I know people who have tattooed them in, and from far away you don't really notice, although it does tend to look a bit feminine. One that that is absolutely amazing is Talika Lipocilis. I'm a makeup artist, and I've recommended it to a few clients that have lost eyebrows and lashes due to chemo. They've all loved it. It helps them grow, and both the company and Sephora guarantee it, so if it didn't work you can return it.
What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?
it doesn't look that bad dude!!!

dont be worried about it

just let your eyebrows grow in =D

i would rather have ugly eyebrows than no eyebrows

You can talk to a dermatologist and see if they have anything to recommend. Also I know you might not want to but you can get eyebrow powder in the makeup department at pretty much any store and fill them in.
dude mine are the same way.. i have tric too... what i do is use an eyebrow shaver on the insides of my eyebrows
Umm....maybe put a little but of mousse in them to get them all to go the same way....
you should get your eyebrows tatted on. i have a friend who did it and they look reallllyyy good. its also not very expensive
Eyebrows can't destroy your personality. That's the point of having a PERSONALITY; it has nothing to do with looks. And the link you supplied is about hair transplants, so you know of one option already. You can also let your eyebrows grow out and then shape them once they're full, or you can use makeup.
you should get them tattoded on or go to tht hair place amd they'll put hair back in there for you.
Awww, dont feel like that!! it's not that bad. And just keep shaving them off and putting fake ones on somehow with something if you really are that self concious about them. that didnt make you feel better, right? Sorry. But i'm serious. Its sad you feel like that.
Permanent makeup (tattoo) will make them look better just find a licensed shop so they can do it the correct way. They will help you pick the perfect color not too dark or too light.
Shave them off and get an eye brow tattoo, google them. They are beautiful design one for your selfcand go for it I have two of them and the ladies really dig them -) good luck
i've been plucking my eyebrows for nearly 20 years, and the damn things still grow back to this day. i would think in your case if you just left them alone and let them re grow for a few months you'll be back to normal again.

oh and after reading these answers, please don't tattoo eyebrows on, thats something that chicks do, and even they shouldn't be doing it cause it looks ghetto. just leave them alone let them grow in. they also make clear (like mascara) products that have a little comb and you can smooth them out and stick them down with the gel stuff.
Why don't you go to a hair salon and have them wax your eyebrows or tune them up? I have bushy eyebrows and the people at the hair salon work wonders. Since yours are going in a different direction, maybe you can go to the store and buy an eyebrow kit that comes with a tiny eyebrow comb, that might fix your eyebrows. If that doesnt keep them down, (i dont know if this will work) but maybe you can coat the comb in a little bit of light hair gel before combing it through your eyebrows. That'd keep them down and in one direction probably.

I would suggest going to a salon near you and asking them if they can fix it, then you can just go to the hair salon once a month or every few weeks, you might think %26quot;I cant do that for the rest of my life%26quot; but, they make ur eyebrows look great and not only that, but the hot wax feels relaxing, its a little bit painful but after the first time it doesnt hurt nearly as much. Good luck.
You could color them. I don't know if they do it at salons, i think they do. Go get them tinted. dark eyebrows will enhance your look, and hopefully your confidence, although i dont think it is as bad as you think.
Don't let it get you down. If you're eyebrow hair keeps growing maybe you can train them to grow the correct way again. Try getting your eyebrows threaded. Even if they remain %26quot;ruined%26quot; (which I doubt.. you are your harshest critic) you shouldn't let that ruin your personality! You FOR SURE wont get any girls if you don't talk to them lol. In other words, you just gotta get over it. Good luck :)
This may sound a little weird, but you could always go to a beauty salon, or nail place and get your eyebrows done. They can probably clean them up a little. You could also try trimming them or plucking them yourself. If your eyebrows look like the last picture than you shouldn't worry that much. It really doesn't look as bad as you think. Just try building up some confidence in yourself. If the girl you like is a keeper, she'll like you for your personality...not your eyebrows.

Best of luck with everything!
they are not that bad- just leave them alone and let them grow in. While they are growing in, go to a nice salon or something to keep them cleaned up (not a cheap nail place, they will mess them up). If all else fails, get a good eyebrow powder, or go to a dermatologist to get them looked at.
I don't know about any of the other girls here, but I couldn't care less what a guys eyebrows look like. In fact I dated a guy who had two giant catapillars for eyebrows, they actually looked like an old man's eyebrows that are all long and unruly, and he never trimmed them!

I'm sure no one even notices, the only reason you notice is because you know what they used to look like.

If they really bother you, you could look in to permanent eyebrows (yes men get their eyebrows tattooed too!)
dont worry just give it time. plus personallity is all about the inside. and if you find a girl who dosnt love you for you, then your best without her. Because when your old and the looks fade you need to be loved for you.

personally they dont look so bad, just be confident and ppl wont see your eye brows theys see your eyes and personality.
Use eyebrow gel, or shave them off and pencil/ tattoo them in.

Don't worry it's not that big deal, eyebrows dont make or break a face.
Honey you can wax then to look good and pencil in any problem areas.... and everyones eyebrows move..... they might need to be stimmed to shorter length if its too bad. Dont freak out..... any salon can fix them ......
Use a little bit of hair gel while they are growing back in. That will make them lie flat. Try using a mascara brush. That will eventually try to train them to grow in one direction. Don't overdo it.

If your eyebrows are extremely sparse, don't use an eyebrow pencil.

If you do try to use an eyebrow pencil once they get a little heavier, don't use the super cheap ones like Wet N Wild that are about $1 each. They don't go on well. Too waxy. Make them near your eyebrow color. $3-$5 might be a better quality product. Don't use liquid stuff.

Don't worry about your eyebrows not growing back ever. If they were thick to begin with, it might take 10-20 years of tweezing to get rid of an area. My unibrow has gone away. However, I think in the 60's or 70's completely tweezing your eyebrows must have been in fashion. My mom has to draw on her eyebrows. Either that or she got really sick of bushy eyebrows.

Go gentle on any shaping. You could try some of the advice for women, but that might look unnatural. Try brushing your eyebrows straight up, and very gently trimming the very top of the longest part. Only do this if the longest parts are up to 1/4 and probably more like 1/2 inch.

I have never read anywhere that eyebrows make or break your face. You are just feeding your obsession by researching sites that are promoting making your eyebrows better. Of course they say it is important. Diet sites also claim that nobody will like you if you are fat, and hair dye sites talk about looking too old if you are graying.

You said: %26quot;They do not lie flat against the skin. They move when I squint or change facial expressions. No two hairs seem to go in the same direction.%26quot; Pretty much everyone does this. So join the 75% of the US population that don't super groom our eyebrows.

If you want people to ignore your eyebrows, get a nose ring.

When you are young, it's hard to realize that things pass. It won't go on forever.

Your personality has absolutely nothing to do with your looks. Work on your self esteem. Yeah, I know, most teens (my guess as to your age) or early 20's have self-esteem problems. Don't compare your insides with other people's outsides. Chances are they are faking it.

Try playing the alphabet game with positive attributes about yourself.

A - I have a good Attitude.

B - I have a Bubbly personality.

C - I am a Caring person

D - I am Delightful to be around.

and so on.
Your eyebrows are the least of your problems, you are a mess