Wednesday 21 September 2011

Could someone please translate this into SPANISH?

WH: Maybe that was the redhead in you coming out?

KW: Actually, naturally I'm a sort of medium mouse.

WH: Did people treat you differently when you changed your hair color?

KW: I behaved differently. When I was a blonde, guys treated me like a girl...a girly girl. Then as a redhead, I was a little more sassy, maybe a little more boorish 鈥?more how I am inside.

WH: So you feel like red is the real you?

KW: Yes. Being blonde was always other than what I really am. I thought I wanted to be one of those softer, girly girls. Then I grew out of that. I realized I'd never be a sweet girl. [Laughs] Never.
Could someone please translate this into SPANISH?
WH: 驴Quiz谩 sali贸 la pelirroja que hay en ti?

KW: En efecto, naturalmente. Soy medio t铆mida si puedes llamarlo as铆.

WH: 驴La gente te trat贸 diferente cuando cambiaste tu color de pelo?

KW: Me comport茅 de otra manera. Cuando era rubia los t铆os me trataban como a una chica... una barbie. Despu茅s de pelirroja era un poco m谩s llamativa y atrevida, quiz谩 un poco m谩s insolente, m谩s c贸mo soy yo por dentro.

WH: 驴As铆 que notas que de pelirroja eres realmente t煤?

KW: S铆. De rubia siempre fu铆 otra de lo que realmente era. Pensaba quer铆a ser una de esas est煤pidas barbies. Luego se me pas贸 con los a帽os. Me d铆 cuenta que nunca ser铆a una ni帽a mona. [Risas] Jam谩s.


You express like that in Englhis but we express like this in Spanish although I think you should try to do your homework. It is good for you if you want to learn Spanish. I'm studying English and try to make an effort. In fact I started learning English two years ago. I go to English lessos four hours a week and I have to work very hard.

Regards from Spain.

Could someone please translate this into SPANISH?
in google type in french translator then change the language it is being translated into to spanish. I use it for all my languages homework!

WH: 驴Quiz谩 que fue el pelirrojo en usted saliendo? KW: Realmente, naturalmente estoy un tipo de rat贸n medio.

WH: 驴Le trataron las personas de forma distinta cuando usted cambi贸 su color de pelo? KW: Yo me comport茅 de forma distinta. Cu谩ndo yo fui un rubio, los tipos me trataron como una chica. chica de girly ..a. Entonces como un pelirrojo, yo fui un poco m谩s descarada, quiz谩 un poco m谩s grosero 鈥?m谩s c贸mo soy adentro.

WH: 驴As铆 que usted se siente como rojo es el verdadero usted? KW: S铆. Es rubio fue siempre de otra manera que lo que soy realmente. Pens茅 que quer铆a ser uno de esos m谩s suave, chicas de girly. Entonces crec铆 fuera de eso. Yo me di cuenta de que yo nunca ser铆a una chica dulce. [risa] Nunca.

  • hair brush
  • maturity or age