Wednesday 21 September 2011

How can you tell if your snake is overweight?

My corn snake is probably about a foot and a half long, and she eats 2 pinky mice every 4 to 5 days. I didnt think she was over weight (she seems so tiny) but today i got another corn snake, about the same length, and he is much smaller. I was just concerned, and there isn't really a vet nearby here where i can take a snake. If she is overweight, could i just change the feeding to one pinky mouse per feeding?
How can you tell if your snake is overweight?
Most corn snakes are under weight (or any snake for that matter) If received from petshops since they basically starve their animals to keep them tiny so the are %26quot;appealing%26quot; to other people. I think you are feeding it right. She wouldn't eat if she wasn't hungry!
How can you tell if your snake is overweight?
if you cant pick it up
eh u are feeding her pretty good

just keep to 1 pinky mouse a week and ull be fine'no ned for a vet
Size and weight of a snake can change depending on their diet, but also genetics sometimes make a snake grow faster than others, just like humans. One appropriately sized mouse (girth size) a week is good.
I have kept and bred corn snakes for years and i have seen some over weight ones in my day. over weight corn snakes tend to develop fat deposits around the vent and under the chin. also when they coil they will develop fat rolls like other over weight animals.

Your feeding regemin sounds on point. and good luck with your babies.