Wednesday 21 September 2011

How has your style changed?

I%26#039;m a fairly new/fairly young mom (24 w/ a 4 month old) and today I went back to my parents house to clean out my old room for a yardsale were having next week. Before I had my son I was very %26#039;fashion forward%26#039; and always had to have the best of everything. A little %26#039;Fashionista%26#039; if you would. I would never dare wear Target clothes and would be so mad when my mom would wear Mickey Mouse shirts out of the house. Well fast forward to now and I must admit I love shopping for cute tops @ Walmart! I%26#039;m always buying stuff from Avon (the old me would cring!) I even browse through my moms closet to see what she has new! It%26#039;s so crazy how much i%26#039;ve changed (my family says %26#039;matured%26#039;...)

Has anyone else changed their style after having a baby?

Don%26#039;t get me wrong I still love to look nice and get glamed up but I just don%26#039;t care as much for having %26#039;the nicest stuff%26#039; anymore! Anyone else feel like this?

It actually makes me feel pretty good!
How has your style changed?
Yeah, thats me. It started when I was pregnant, since there aren%26#039;t many choices out there for those of us who dont have money to throw away. reality was shopping for maternity clothes at kmart. lol.

my SIL, on the other hand, is her same old self.
How has your style changed?
i changed the other way. i went from wearing whatever was clean that was closest to me in the morning, to wanting to wear cute tops and stuff. i shop at walmart and stuff but i want to look good. i feel like because i ama mommy i need to lok good. it makes me cringe to see my old clothes.
Oh yeah - I hated going to thrift stores and garage sales growing up - I had to have the best top name brand clothes, etc. Now - I am shopping at Goodwill, Wal-mart and garage sales without a care in the world and I still look great! Who needs to spend $80 on jeans when you can get them for $5? With having 3 kids, I really look for ways to save money without sacraficing - this is an easy way to do that and still look great. No one will every know what you pay for clothes unless you tell them!
yes totally
Pre kids: Get up, get dressed in something smart, put on make-up, do hair, check self in mirror,go to work.

Post kids: Get up, drag hair into pony tail, put on jeans and an old top (it%26#039;s only going to get puked on), play mummy all day.

Edit: Why is everyone getting thumbs down? The question is %26#039;How have YOU changed%26#039;. How can that answer be in anyway wrong in any of the replies. Jeez ---!
Mine has changed but not quite that dramatically. I am a different size because my c-section left me with a small roll of extra skin. I used to dress a bit more racy and provacativly, but now I would equate my style to a younger version of Bri from desperate houswives. Now my favorite accessory is my pink pearl necklace and diamond studs, before it was my swarovski belly ring LOL. I went from carrying glossy super huge bags from guess and chloe, now I have my Pitunia Pickle Bottom CAKE diaper sack. So I stil do the more fashion forward thing, but more tastefully now. And I traded my red mitsubishi eclipse convertible for a merlot colored santa fe SUV! (that still makes me sad)

the %26quot;old%26quot; me would NEVER even consider leaving the house in sweats...EVER. 1 month ago hubby and I took the babe to the mall for a few things and lo and behold what was I wearing??

SWEATS...and a t-shirt that he had spit up on (I didnt know that at the time). I was laughing the whole way home at this.

You just dont have the time or energy anymore to doll yourself up for a simple trip out...and really you dont care too anymore!!

I agree with the %26quot;Walmart%26quot; shopping...I look when I%26#039;m there too and have to admit that there are some really cute things!!

My hubby%26#039;s comment after the %26quot;sweat day%26quot; was:

%26quot;You%26#039;re married with a kid now hun...who do you have to impress??%26quot; I laughed...he%26#039;s right. Hubby loves me in anything and my little man is as happy as a clam as long as he%26#039;s fed and loved, he could care less what I wear.

(although I am still using my coach purse...I%26#039;m not giving that up, sweats or no sweats!!!!!!! :-)
My mom says the same about me. Pre-baby, I was quite a fashionista, and would die at the thought of buying clothes from Target. Most of my clothes would not be considered baby friendly. Now, I live in Old Navy and Target clothes. I still like to look nice, but it has to be wash and wear with a 3 year old around. I have my %26#039;not baby friendly%26#039; clothes that are dry clean only, for when I have to go to court with a client, but I change into those after I drop my son off at the babysitter.

Plus, you want your baby to have the best, so you sacrifice your fashion for them.
I went from buying fashionable clothes to go to work in and looking professional to buying clothes from garage sales because all I%26#039;m going to do is walk around the house in them.
Having the nicest stuff kind of comes down to money. I was the same way in high school. We would shopt at Bon Ton or Kohls for clothes but I wouldn%26#039;t dare wear Walmart clothes. I%26#039;m 23 with a 10 month old, will be 24 in Sept. I can%26#039;t browse through my mom%26#039;s clothes just because of our size difference, she%26#039;s like 5%26#039;7 and i%26#039;m 5%26#039;11 but I lost about 35 lbs pre-pregnancy weight from breastfeeding so now I am wearing my little sisters clothes. She%26#039;s a senior in high school this year so I like that.
I went from buying $100 jeans... To buying $15 dollar jeans.

I know exactly how you feel! :)
I always LOVED huge shoes, tall stilettos, high high heels! Now, I have a two year ols and it is just not practical!!! I have to carry him sometimes, or chase him! Also, I loved to wear tight tight small clothes- I have worn some of my old clothes but I kinda feel like a hoochie when i drop him off at day care!! Also, I have to be active - he is into everything and those clothes will ride up places, things will pop out- im always adjusting things on them when i wear them now- just not practical. I miss my stilettos
I went the other way as well, as some other people have said. A few weeks after my daughter was born, I went out and bought a whole new wardrobe. I needed new clothes anyway, as I was going back to work and wasn%26#039;t *quite* back into my old ones yet. I felt like crap when I was pregnant, but felt great after my daughter was born, despite having an emergency c-section AND surgery to remove my gallbladder when she was only six weeks old. I decided that there was no reason I couldn%26#039;t be a mom AND be fashion-forward. I%26#039;m wearing most of my old clothes again (and some of the ones I just bought are now too big!), but my body is so much different. It%26#039;s a badge of honor, though...I spent nine months suffering from severe morning sickness, heartburn, indigestion...I think I deserve to look healthy and vital for a change! Sometimes spit-up becomes an accessory, but oh well. Comes with the territory when you%26#039;re a mommy! Best of luck!
Same really. I am young too only 22, and I want to dress like I%26#039;m 30 lol I look pretty young too. When my doctor first met me she thought I was 16 or

I like to look decent when I leave the house, but I don%26#039;t care as much any more about wearing really nice clothes, or doing my hair if I%26#039;m just going to the store. It%26#039;s much less stressful this way agree?

Also, I would always rather buy an outfit for Nolan than myself lol It%26#039;s strange. I just feel guilty when I buy myself something instead of him

edit* why so many thumbs down for everyone? someone having a bad day?
I haven%26#039;t changed at all.. If I buy myself something I also buy my husband and baby something..I%26#039;ve always wanted to be the mom that nobody would ever guess had a child and I love it!!! It makes me feel great to look good with hubby and baby and to take care of myself...That%26#039;s just me ;)

(Walmart shirts aren%26#039;t that bad..actually cute! Old navy and Target stores are also good!)
No..I continued with my old style..and I love to get matching outfits for my daughter..I don%26#039;t feel just because I had a baby I cannot still look good like I was before I had the baby..besides my husband tells me not to give up the way I was before baby because thats who he fell in love with..and he loves to come home and see his 2 favorite girls dressed alike.
omg same for me i wouldnt even be caught dead with out make up and i dont think ive bought myself anything since my sin was born. im scared to wear anything nice for fear ill get thrown up on. lol as much as i loved my old self i would never wanna go back i love being a mom and actually enjoy the (mom) look. im glad im not the only walmart shoppin mom who still loves fashion
I couldn%26#039;t agree with inked mommy more. why do so many moms look like they got ran over by a semi after they have kids. I haven%26#039;t changed at all except i cant afford the big name clothing as much anymore. good for you I%26#039;m glad you feel good.
well, im a fairly new/fairly young mom as well! im 19, with a 3 day old who is currently in the NICU. it hasn%26#039;t been long, but i dont think my style changed dramatically. if i am going out somewhered then of course i try to look cute and very fashion forward, but if im going visit my son in the hospital, then i just throw on a t-shirt, some shorts, throw my hair up in a ponytail, and i%26#039;m off to go!