Saturday 24 September 2011

Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?

I don't know if you've ever seen the cartoon or not, but its about 2 labratory mice who plot every day on how to take over the world, It has a cute little theme song, Pinky and the Brain, Bushy and McCain, Neither is a genious and they're both insane, Does it fit? What are your thoughts?
Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?
Dude the parallels are uncanny lmao

no seriously I'm so stealing this joke...thanks

Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?
No, he should be shown respect by all Americans...President Bush and President McCain!!!!! Thanks to them, we are all happy to sit at our computers and make fun of all the hardworking Presidents and their administration. While they could very well, forget about us and have sit around like sitting ducks so that the terrorists can attack our country again. However, we do not have that happening!! OORAH!!
Man. It really does get nasty in the politics section.

I have no problem with the question...but ya'll are some pretty mean %26quot;somethings%26quot; on the answers.

And most of you are God-loving Republicans, I assume?

Folks sure do act big and bad when anonymity is involved....
Obama and his ANAL foul mouthed Pastor Baiter need to work more on keeping that Van a Rockin and getting a hold on ordering more Ebonics made Simple, by two of the biggest PRICKS around.
Should Hillary and Obama change their names to Itchy and Scratchy?

Or how about 'Inept and the Totally Inept'?
Ok. As long as we can call Obama,Wimpy. Now drink your Obama Aid,sweetie.

As a light joke, it fits in a most perfect manner. Dont think its anything that need's to be discussed in depth. :)

Thats an insult to a funny cartoon.
No, they're much less intelligent than pinky and the brain.
No. Dumb idea. Why don't you go make something useful?
BUM and Bummer.


george W pinky and the brain.
thank you for the laugh. But they should! fits!