Saturday 24 September 2011

How can I UNDO some nasty words put on my profile while my account was compromised?

This is what it says: “Im Horny. - 289!”, and of course I want to get rid of it. The 1st thing I did, was change my password.

I got a nice answer from it is: Ouch...ok in the top right corner, while signed in, go to my profile in green. Click view my profile to the right of the picture box. Hover your mouse cursor over the rude message - it should highlight itself. Click the message and a box will appear to allow you to update your status.

I had already tried that about 30 times, and it just doesn't work. I've got no idea how they managed to do this..any other ideas? Sarah! Thank you for trying to help.

I'd really appreciate some (more) help with this. If my grandchildren happened to see it, well obviously I'd just hate it.
How can I UNDO some nasty words put on my profile while my account was compromised?
If you are speaking of your Yahoo account information, then you can go to top right corner of screen, then click on the %26quot;Options:%26quot; link

Options / mail options / account information; and change the info there.

If you are talking about your Yahoo answers account, then click on your avatar

Click on 'Edit my Info' and make changes there

Hope this helps, and good luck

What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?

I feel like my looks are ruined pretty much for the rest of my life. I had trichotillomania. I would pull my eyebrows out when stressed. Well they grew back but they are so ugly. They do not lie flat against the skin. They move when I squint or change facial expressions. No two hairs seem to go in the same direction.

they look like this. look at the last pic and zoom in with your mouse over it.

they have literally ruined my confidence. I feel so depressed because of it. everywhere i read that eyebrows make or break your face, well i guess my face is broken permanently. i dont know how i will ever be able to talk to a girl that i like. my personality has been destroyed because of this.
What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?
I know people who have tattooed them in, and from far away you don't really notice, although it does tend to look a bit feminine. One that that is absolutely amazing is Talika Lipocilis. I'm a makeup artist, and I've recommended it to a few clients that have lost eyebrows and lashes due to chemo. They've all loved it. It helps them grow, and both the company and Sephora guarantee it, so if it didn't work you can return it.
What do I do after my eyebrows are PERMANENTLY ruined?
it doesn't look that bad dude!!!

dont be worried about it

just let your eyebrows grow in =D

i would rather have ugly eyebrows than no eyebrows

You can talk to a dermatologist and see if they have anything to recommend. Also I know you might not want to but you can get eyebrow powder in the makeup department at pretty much any store and fill them in.
dude mine are the same way.. i have tric too... what i do is use an eyebrow shaver on the insides of my eyebrows
Umm....maybe put a little but of mousse in them to get them all to go the same way....
you should get your eyebrows tatted on. i have a friend who did it and they look reallllyyy good. its also not very expensive
Eyebrows can't destroy your personality. That's the point of having a PERSONALITY; it has nothing to do with looks. And the link you supplied is about hair transplants, so you know of one option already. You can also let your eyebrows grow out and then shape them once they're full, or you can use makeup.
you should get them tattoded on or go to tht hair place amd they'll put hair back in there for you.
Awww, dont feel like that!! it's not that bad. And just keep shaving them off and putting fake ones on somehow with something if you really are that self concious about them. that didnt make you feel better, right? Sorry. But i'm serious. Its sad you feel like that.
Permanent makeup (tattoo) will make them look better just find a licensed shop so they can do it the correct way. They will help you pick the perfect color not too dark or too light.
Shave them off and get an eye brow tattoo, google them. They are beautiful design one for your selfcand go for it I have two of them and the ladies really dig them -) good luck
i've been plucking my eyebrows for nearly 20 years, and the damn things still grow back to this day. i would think in your case if you just left them alone and let them re grow for a few months you'll be back to normal again.

oh and after reading these answers, please don't tattoo eyebrows on, thats something that chicks do, and even they shouldn't be doing it cause it looks ghetto. just leave them alone let them grow in. they also make clear (like mascara) products that have a little comb and you can smooth them out and stick them down with the gel stuff.
Why don't you go to a hair salon and have them wax your eyebrows or tune them up? I have bushy eyebrows and the people at the hair salon work wonders. Since yours are going in a different direction, maybe you can go to the store and buy an eyebrow kit that comes with a tiny eyebrow comb, that might fix your eyebrows. If that doesnt keep them down, (i dont know if this will work) but maybe you can coat the comb in a little bit of light hair gel before combing it through your eyebrows. That'd keep them down and in one direction probably.

I would suggest going to a salon near you and asking them if they can fix it, then you can just go to the hair salon once a month or every few weeks, you might think %26quot;I cant do that for the rest of my life%26quot; but, they make ur eyebrows look great and not only that, but the hot wax feels relaxing, its a little bit painful but after the first time it doesnt hurt nearly as much. Good luck.
You could color them. I don't know if they do it at salons, i think they do. Go get them tinted. dark eyebrows will enhance your look, and hopefully your confidence, although i dont think it is as bad as you think.
Don't let it get you down. If you're eyebrow hair keeps growing maybe you can train them to grow the correct way again. Try getting your eyebrows threaded. Even if they remain %26quot;ruined%26quot; (which I doubt.. you are your harshest critic) you shouldn't let that ruin your personality! You FOR SURE wont get any girls if you don't talk to them lol. In other words, you just gotta get over it. Good luck :)
This may sound a little weird, but you could always go to a beauty salon, or nail place and get your eyebrows done. They can probably clean them up a little. You could also try trimming them or plucking them yourself. If your eyebrows look like the last picture than you shouldn't worry that much. It really doesn't look as bad as you think. Just try building up some confidence in yourself. If the girl you like is a keeper, she'll like you for your personality...not your eyebrows.

Best of luck with everything!
they are not that bad- just leave them alone and let them grow in. While they are growing in, go to a nice salon or something to keep them cleaned up (not a cheap nail place, they will mess them up). If all else fails, get a good eyebrow powder, or go to a dermatologist to get them looked at.
I don't know about any of the other girls here, but I couldn't care less what a guys eyebrows look like. In fact I dated a guy who had two giant catapillars for eyebrows, they actually looked like an old man's eyebrows that are all long and unruly, and he never trimmed them!

I'm sure no one even notices, the only reason you notice is because you know what they used to look like.

If they really bother you, you could look in to permanent eyebrows (yes men get their eyebrows tattooed too!)
dont worry just give it time. plus personallity is all about the inside. and if you find a girl who dosnt love you for you, then your best without her. Because when your old and the looks fade you need to be loved for you.

personally they dont look so bad, just be confident and ppl wont see your eye brows theys see your eyes and personality.
Use eyebrow gel, or shave them off and pencil/ tattoo them in.

Don't worry it's not that big deal, eyebrows dont make or break a face.
Honey you can wax then to look good and pencil in any problem areas.... and everyones eyebrows move..... they might need to be stimmed to shorter length if its too bad. Dont freak out..... any salon can fix them ......
Use a little bit of hair gel while they are growing back in. That will make them lie flat. Try using a mascara brush. That will eventually try to train them to grow in one direction. Don't overdo it.

If your eyebrows are extremely sparse, don't use an eyebrow pencil.

If you do try to use an eyebrow pencil once they get a little heavier, don't use the super cheap ones like Wet N Wild that are about $1 each. They don't go on well. Too waxy. Make them near your eyebrow color. $3-$5 might be a better quality product. Don't use liquid stuff.

Don't worry about your eyebrows not growing back ever. If they were thick to begin with, it might take 10-20 years of tweezing to get rid of an area. My unibrow has gone away. However, I think in the 60's or 70's completely tweezing your eyebrows must have been in fashion. My mom has to draw on her eyebrows. Either that or she got really sick of bushy eyebrows.

Go gentle on any shaping. You could try some of the advice for women, but that might look unnatural. Try brushing your eyebrows straight up, and very gently trimming the very top of the longest part. Only do this if the longest parts are up to 1/4 and probably more like 1/2 inch.

I have never read anywhere that eyebrows make or break your face. You are just feeding your obsession by researching sites that are promoting making your eyebrows better. Of course they say it is important. Diet sites also claim that nobody will like you if you are fat, and hair dye sites talk about looking too old if you are graying.

You said: %26quot;They do not lie flat against the skin. They move when I squint or change facial expressions. No two hairs seem to go in the same direction.%26quot; Pretty much everyone does this. So join the 75% of the US population that don't super groom our eyebrows.

If you want people to ignore your eyebrows, get a nose ring.

When you are young, it's hard to realize that things pass. It won't go on forever.

Your personality has absolutely nothing to do with your looks. Work on your self esteem. Yeah, I know, most teens (my guess as to your age) or early 20's have self-esteem problems. Don't compare your insides with other people's outsides. Chances are they are faking it.

Try playing the alphabet game with positive attributes about yourself.

A - I have a good Attitude.

B - I have a Bubbly personality.

C - I am a Caring person

D - I am Delightful to be around.

and so on.
Your eyebrows are the least of your problems, you are a mess

Myspace default layout help!!! [[having to do with a video]] help?

okay well i have a default layout on my myspace. and i really like it and i DO NOT want to change it. but i want to put a video of me and my buds on my %26quot;i'd like to meet section%26quot; or %26quot;about me.%26quot;

i want people to be able to see the video not have to zoom in to see it.

what i mean is that i can put the video on my profile, but when you go on my profile to TRY to see it, it's smaller than a cotton ball! you can't see ANYTHING! your mouse isn't even capable of clicking on the %26quot;play%26quot; button.

it's so small, you barely even NOTICE it. i want people to see it. I really do.

so how can i make it bigger without having to change my profile?

yes, the code is direct from youtube, but like i said, the layout makes is smaller.
Myspace default layout help!!! [[having to do with a video]] help?
remove any code in your profile that has the word OBJECT or EMBED in it - you are obviously still using an old code for resizing/hiding the myspace player
Myspace default layout help!!! [[having to do with a video]] help?
in the code it will say %26quot;width%26quot; and stuff make the numbers bigger.

My desktop icons are too big, and I've tried everything. Please help!?

Ok, so i had moved about a month ago and had to move my computer. I had lost a cord that connected my computer to the TV and I've just recently found it. I have changed nothing about the computer or TV but desktop icons and the desktop itself is to big for my TV, you have to move your mouse to the edge of the screen to make it scroll. I have adjusted everything i could think of. Another thing that is weird is that when i go to change the resolution, it stays at 1024 by 768 pixels and there are no other options.

I have Windows XP Media Center Edition, Version 2002, Service Pack 3. My computer is a HP Pavilion, Intel Pentium D CPU 2.80GHz, 3.00 GB of RAM with a Physical Address Extension.

The TV i am using for a monitor is a 21 inch Magnavox.

If you have any idea on how to help i would appreciate it big time.
My desktop icons are too big, and I've tried everything. Please help!?
Have you tried to change your screen resolution?

You can do so by:

1) Right click Desktop, and click properties

2) Go to settings

3) move the screen resolution button to make your screen resolution bigger so your icons are smaller

Just in case this does not help, or you cannot increase your screen resolution anymore, in the desktop properties go to:

1) Appearance

2) Check Font size to see if you can make it smaller that way, and if that does not work, go to effects and uncheck large font if it is checked.

This is only for Windows XP.

For vista, you would go to:

1) Right click Desktop

2) Personalize

3) Display Settings, and go from there


in Personalize Adjust Font (DPI) to the top right.
My desktop icons are too big, and I've tried everything. Please help!?
right click on your desktop --%26gt; view --%26gt; medium icons

How do we get yahoo to use the old homepage without pop-ups?

I'm not sure how many people have to use the new homepage for yahoo which has pop-ups, but for those of us who do use it it is a terrible experience. With the old page you could click right and open say yahoo finance in a new window. With the new page you can't. You can't even read the headlines on the new yahoo page without occasionally running your mouse over the wrong part of the homepage and getting an unintentional yahoo pop-up. I just want the old page. It was a lot easier and to the point. Yahoo should create a new link to a site that has the old page. I never want to go to this new page again.

I want to note that yahoo ran a story hailing the creator of this new page for quite a few weeks or months. This may be why they fail to recognize the complaints about the page. They should accept that it is not perfect and improve it.

If yahoo doesn't change the page or offer a way to have the old page or something like it as a permanent option, I will have to drop yahoo as the page I see when I click on my browser. I just can't understand why they ignore the complaints about this.

It also would be nice if yahoo staff posted on yahoo answers to respond to issues we have.

One last note. I absolutely have been faithful to yahoo since I started using the net. I even registered a website through yahoo. I don't want to use the monster google or the others. But I have to be happy, so I have to do what I have to do. The new yahoo doesn't make me happy. I hope there is a change to it soon.

If you know of a way to get back the old style yahoo home page without all the pop-ups wasting my eyes and time, let me know. Deleting cookies and trying to find it every time is not an answer!
How do we get yahoo to use the old homepage without pop-ups?
Yahoo wants to keep you on the page longer, by wasting your time with excessive bandwidth, flyouts, and advertising disguised as features. They are telling their advertisers this is engagement on our part. This is not engagement. Engagement is when the user is on the page longer because the user likes that content, and finds it interesting to explore. That is also the reason why they are writing their own stories about it to attract advertisers. Yahoo users are on the page 20% longer now, not because they like the content, but because they are coping with all the flash, flyouts, and excessive advertising, and trying to put that crap down so they can actually get to the content they want. That is not engagement, and it is a waste of people's precious time. Many are boycotting. I am, and have bookmarked my email so I can access it and answers without hitting the home page. I have been using msn for features and content these days, and using google or ask for searches.

If you hate the new homepage, join the boycott, and use the feedback link at the bottom of the page. I hope that everyone who is boycotting sends a feedback that says homepage boycotted, or something like that tomorrow, there are hundreds posting in just this category of answers alone.
How do we get yahoo to use the old homepage without pop-ups?
Try switch to %26quot;Compact View%26quot; from %26quot;Page Options%26quot;.
  • myspace quotes
  • listview bug
  • Mouse trouble and "My Computer" trouble?

    OK, so I have a Sony PCG-FRV27. It's a great laptop. Two problems. 1) My mouse will tab on it's own and go back to a random part in a paragraph whenever I type. It affects all my programs: Word, Internet Explorer, everything. 2) When i open %26quot;My Computer%26quot; usually I can click %26quot; Drive C%26quot; and it will open the drive. But when I do click the drive, it opens a search window for the C Drive. So I have right click the drives to open them. When I do right click them, the %26quot;Search%26quot; option is bolded, instead of the %26quot;open%26quot; option. How do I change this? Thank you for your help. This will make me very happy if I can fix these two things.
    Mouse trouble and %26quot;My Computer%26quot; trouble?
    Assuming you're using the built-in keyboard and mouse...

    1) The above answerer could be right. You might be accidentally tapping the touch pad. Try taping a business card over it.

    2) Try downloading and installing the latest chipset and motherboard drivers from Sony. (You might as well download all the other latest drivers too while you're at it.) If that doesn't fix the problem...

    3) Remove the keyboard and use some canned air to clean all the dust and dirt out of it. The screws to remove it should be on the bottom and might be marked with a K. If that doesn't fix it...

    4) You probably have a hardware problem. Call Dell tech support.

    Mouse trouble and %26quot;My Computer%26quot; trouble?
    I think I understand your mouse problem -- I have the same problem with my touchpad mouse. I used Virtual Touchpad Cover (鈥?/a> ) to solve the problem.

    How Do I Disable My Comments Box On My Youtube Profile?

    I've searched this question in %26quot;answers%26quot; and found many instructions like the following...

    %26quot;1. Go to %26quot;Account%26quot; next to your screen name at the top of the screen.

    2. Under the YouTube logo, there should be %26quot;Home, Videos, Channels...%26quot; and all of those. Under that is %26quot;My Account%26quot; but it has a little dropdown arrow next to it. put your mouse over it and wait for it to drop down.

    3. Scroll down to %26quot;My Channel%26quot;

    4. you should see:

    Channel Comments: o Display comments on your channel.

    o Do not display comments on your channel.

    5. Click %26quot;Do not display comments on your channel%26quot;

    now they cant send you comments%26quot;

    But I don't have the box with %26quot;comment%26quot; options in my Edit Channel section. In fact there is nothing there except an option for me to change my %26quot;youtuber%26quot; status to %26quot;reporter%26quot;, %26quot;director%26quot; ect. Am I the only one who can't disable comments in my profile and why is this happening? Thank you in advance!
    How Do I Disable My Comments Box On My Youtube Profile?
    When you log in to Youtube, Under your user name, the menu will show and you click %26quot;Account.%26quot; Then you make sure on the left side of the screen the navigation says %26quot;Overview%26quot; Then you click Edit Channel which is located by the statistics for your account. After you click that, you must click the link that says, %26quot;Channel Design.%26quot; This will take you to your channel. You will then see a small white bar along the top of the screen that will display Settings, Themes and Colors, Modules. Click Modules and make sure the Comments box is not checked. Save your settings and comments will no longer be displayed on your channel.

    Hope this helped you.

    Web design with Java Script help?

    Hello. I am new to web design, and on some websites, if you hover your mouse cursor over a link the colour changes, or a drop down box with more links show, I was wondering how to do this, because I understand that you cant use HTML to do this right? I am learning using Microsoft Expression Web (similar to Adobe Dreamweaver).

    Firstly, if i have to use Java Script or similar in the website, is there some way that you can do this easily using expression web, or how do I implement it in my already created code? This is important because if I succeed at learning web design etc, I have been given a job designing my mum's employers website, and this would be a great thing to include to make it look a bit better.

    Thanks. Jack
    Web design with Java Script help?
    These things are all stylistic in nature, and can be done using CSS, but the dropdown list needs some JavaScript to support Internet Explorer 6 (and I think IE7 as well).

    I don't know much about WYSIWYG editors, but I highly recommend studying hand coding HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as learning about Web Standards. Websites like:

    鈥? (HTML and CSS, plus some tricks and JavaScript basics.)

    鈥? (Web Standards in general.)

    鈥? (JavaScript, Unobtrusive JavaScript and cross-compatibility.)

    鈥? (Web Standards, Usability, Accessibility and best practices in web design.)

    are all good places to learn about web standardism and coding HTML.

    HTML Dog is probably one of the best stepping stones that you can find.

    For example, let's say that you have a navigational list to the left, the links of which will change to an orange colour (#f71) when hovered over. And will make another list of links appear between the list items when hovered over as well.

    %26lt;ul id=%26quot;nav%26quot;%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;h2%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;triangles/%26quot;%26gt;Triangles%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/h2%26gt;


    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;triangles/right/%26quot;%26gt;Right Triangle%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;triangles/acute/%26quot;%26gt;Acute Triangle%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;



    聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;h2%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;quadrilaterals/%26quot;%26gt;Quadrilaterals%26lt;/a %26gt;%26lt;/h2%26gt;


    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;quadrilaterals/rectangle/%26quot; %26gt;Rectangle%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;

    聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;quadrilaterals/parallelogram%26quot; %26gt;Parallelogram%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;




    The CSS for making links the orange colour would be:

    a:hover {

    聽聽聽聽color: #f71;


    The code to make the lists appear only when hovered over is:

    li ul {

    聽聽聽聽display: none;


    li:hover ul {

    聽聽聽聽display: block;


    This is a very simple example though, but you can read more about it on the HTML Dog Suckerfish article =)

    To link this to your HTML document, you use a link such as:

    %26lt;link rel=%26quot;stylesheet%26quot; type=%26quot;text/css%26quot; href=%26quot;navigation.css%26quot; media=%26quot;all%26quot; /%26gt;

    in the head of your document. This is very similar to an empty anchor %26lt;a /%26gt; that belongs in the document head and includes a media type. %26quot;navigation.css%26quot; represents your stylesheet's URI.

    Another way to add a stylesheet is to use an XML instruction:

    %26lt;?xml-stylsheet type=%26quot;text/css%26quot; href=%26quot;navigation.css%26quot; media=%26quot;all%26quot;?%26gt;

    I usually put this right after the xml-prologue, but this is only suggested on the server-side because Internet Explorer can't accept HTML documents which are served as an XML application. I hope that this all helps!
    Web design with Java Script help?
    This site has scripts that you can use:鈥?/a>

    Help with piczo please?????

    Okay, well, I've had piczo for quite a long time, like a year or so, and my site is looking pretty good. (if you want to visit it's well anyway. I like to search other people's piczo sites to get hints and ideas and most of the good sites all have cool stuff like that color thing goes on and off when you put your mouse over text.. their page lists are unique.. On piczo you're limited to just make the list a certain size and font but how do you change that? And if you have other tips Please tell me?
    Help with piczo please?????
    Hey there,

    If you want to browse other Piczo sites to get some ideas, try browsing Rate My Site or go to Piczo Pros. You can get to Rate My Site through Piczo Lobby. For Piczo Pros, you can get to it by clicking on the blue tab on top of the page that said PICZO PROS.

    Here a link to that mouse over text thing you were talking about,鈥?/a> I got this from You might like this one too,鈥?/a>

    There are loads of tips on Piczo Pros, check them out if you have the time. By the way, you add the code, by going to Tools%26gt; Controls%26gt; Add html. Then you'll see a html box on your site that said %26quot;Add HTML here.%26quot; Click on the hand icon and paste teh code you want.

    Hope this helps. Have fun with your Piczo.
    Help with piczo please?????
    You are talking to the piczo master!!!!!!!!!o-k,if you want to make the mouse change to a person/heart/what ever you want go to,its kind of girrrrrrrrly,but thats were I get them.(my piczo is,I have asome games!)

    Swap Image across frames...?

    How about this...? Suppose you have a %26lt;iframe%26gt; tag on our page. Inside it, there is a picture. Now you want to change another picture, that is located in the main page (outside the %26lt;iframe%26gt;, while you move your mouse over your image in the frame. I've tried to apply the swap image behavior to the name of the image in the main page .. it did not work. Is there some trick how to do it? Thanks.
    Swap Image across frames...?
    You may not be able to do this outright do to security settings associated with iframes. However, if you can then you'll have to access the element you want to change (the one in the parent frame) by walking up the DOM. Something like window.parent.getElementById (%26quot;myImage%26quot;).src = otherImage
  • long hair styles
  • kids hair
  • Swap Image across frames...?

    How about this...? Suppose you have a %26lt;iframe%26gt; tag on our page. Inside it, there is a picture. Now you want to change another picture, that is located in the main page (outside the %26lt;iframe%26gt;, while you move your mouse over your image in the frame. I've tried to apply the swap image behavior to the name of the image in the main page .. it did not work. Is there some trick how to do it? Thanks.
    Swap Image across frames...?
    You may not be able to do this outright do to security settings associated with iframes. However, if you can then you'll have to access the element you want to change (the one in the parent frame) by walking up the DOM. Something like window.parent.getElementById (%26quot;myImage%26quot;).src = otherImage


    Ok i have got everything set on my myspace page but the text is not standing out.I figured out how to change the color of the text and make it bold but what i want is ok if you go to your myspace page go to your about me section.Like for example ok take your mouse and click on the last word in the about me sectio and scroll your mouse up to the 1st word which is you see how the text turned white and there is that blue background or whatever color it changed to when you do that you can read the text much better because there is a color behing the can i do that what is the code so i can make that blue background or whatever colorcomeup so the text can be read much easier?Thank you.
    %26lt;font style=%26quot;background-color: white;%26quot;%26gt; text goes here %26lt;/font%26gt;

    Change white to whatever color you want. You can also wrap your entire About Me text in this.


    About me text here



    table.blurbs td td font {background-color: white !important;}

    You can use this to put a background behind the text:

    Or you can do this:

    %26lt;style%26gt;.blurbs{ background-color: blue;}%26lt;/style%26gt;


    Ok i have got everything set on my myspace page but the text is not standing out.I figured out how to change the color of the text and make it bold but what i want is ok if you go to your myspace page go to your about me section.Like for example ok take your mouse and click on the last word in the about me sectio and scroll your mouse up to the 1st word which is you see how the text turned white and there is that blue background or whatever color it changed to when you do that you can read the text much better because there is a color behing the can i do that what is the code so i can make that blue background or whatever colorcomeup so the text can be read much easier?Thank you.
    SQL tutorials-

    How to Edit already made SWF files and save?!?

    Ok, so I found this Text-Box-Popup widget that works great on my site. Pretty much it's a little tiny box, that when you put your mouse over expands and reveals text. Once your mouse leaves, it hides again!

    BUT, the one i found has a little X, instead of a question mark as would be expected for such a widget. :: If thats confusing - The X is what's visible, and when you put your mouse over it, the text you added is revealed and displayed.

    SO, first i need to know what software to use to edit that X and change it to an image of a Question Mark or something else.

    Second, I need to know how to use the program to change this, and if I need any other knowledge.

    If you'd like to download the tool to see for yourself, I've uploaded it to Hotfile :: Link Below...鈥?/a>

    How to Edit already made SWF files and save?!?
    If you have the already made SWF file, you can get the

    Sothink SWF Decompiler

    Which converts SWF's into FLA's so you can edit them.

    Then, if you don't have it already, you need Adobe Flash to edit the FLA file. Once that FLA File is edited, you can easily publish it back into SWF and put it onto your website.....

    Check out:;aq=0%26amp;oq=sothink+swf+de%26amp;sourceid=chrome%26amp;ie=UTF-8%26amp;q=sothink+swf+decompiler
    How to Edit already made SWF files and save?!?
    You had emailed me on how u cannot edit the file. Did u get it to work?

    Report Abuse

    This list made me giggle, what do you think?

    Get to know a friends bookie and place bets for them. Insist on keeping half of any money they win.

    Accuse people of %26quot;glue sniffing addictions%26quot; in public.

    Call other people %26quot;Champ%26quot; or %26quot;Tiger.%26quot;. Refer to yourself as %26quot;Coach.%26quot;

    Drum on every available surface.

    Sing the Batman theme incessantly.

    Staple papers together in the middle of the page.

    Ask 1-800 operators for dates.

    Produce a rental video consisting entirely of dire FBI copy warnings.

    Sew anti-theft detector strips into people's backpacks.

    Hide dairy products in inaccessible places.

    Insist on giving weather forecasts in public. Claim to be AMS certified.

    Surprise old friend's by visiting them at 3AM %26quot;to discuss old times%26quot;.

    Insist on buying airplane tickets for friends to %26quot;save them money.%26quot; Make sure the plane departs at 5AM and the tickets are non-refundable. Point out that you didn't really save them any money.

    Write the surprise ending to a novel on its first page.

    Specify that your drive-through order is %26quot;to go%26quot;.

    Set alarms for random times.

    Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public consisting entirely of %26quot;Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip...%26quot;

    Buy large quantities of mint dental floss just to lick the flavor off.

    Order a side of pork rinds with your filet mignon.

    Instead of Gallo, serve Night Train next Thanksgiving.

    Leave your Nine Inch Nails tape in Great Uncle Ed's stereo, with the volume properly adjusted.

    Publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a %26quot;croaking%26quot; noise.

    Honk and wave to strangers.

    Dress only in clothes colored Hunter's Safety Orange.

    Change channels five minutes before the end of every show.

    Tape pieces of %26quot;Sweating to the Oldies%26quot; over climactic parts of rental movies.

    Wear your pants backwards.

    Decline to be seated at a restaurant, and simply eat their complementary mints by the cash register.

    Begin all your sentences with %26quot;Oh la la!%26quot;

    Rouse your roommate/spouse from slumber each morning with Lou Reed's %26quot;Metal Machine Music%26quot;.

    Leave someone's printer in compressed-italic-landscape mode.


    dont use any punctuation

    Buy a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute whole streets.

    Pay for your dinner with pennies.

    Tie jingle bells to all your clothes.

    Repeat everything someone says, as a question.

    Write %26quot;X - Buried Treasure%26quot; in random spots on roadmaps.

    Explain to everyone you meet of your Kennedy assassination/UFO/OJ Simpson conspiracy theories.

    Repeat the following conversation a dozen times: %26quot;Do you hear that?%26quot; %26quot;What?%26quot; %26quot;Never mind, it's gone now.%26quot;

    Light road flares on a birthday cake.

    Wander around the restaurant, asking other diners for their parsley.

    Leave tips in Bolivian currency.

    Demand that everyone address you as %26quot;Conquistador%26quot;.

    Push all the flat Lego pieces together tightly.

    At the laundromat, use one dryer for each of your socks.

    When Christmas carolling, sing %26quot;Jingle Bells, Batman smells...%26quot; until physically restrained.

    Wear a cape that says %26quot;Magnificent One%26quot;.

    As much as possible, skip rather than walk.

    Stand over someone's shoulder, mumbling, as they read.

    Finish the 99 bottles of beer song.

    Leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.

    Pretend your mouse is a CB radio, and talk to it.

    Try playing the William Tell Overture by tapping on the bottom of your chin. When nearly done, announce %26quot;no, wait, I messed it up%26quot;, and repeat.

    Why walk when you can drive that half a block?

    Name your dog %26quot;Dog%26quot;.

    Inform others that they exist only in your imagination.

    Ask people what gender they are.

    Reply to everything someone says with, %26quot;That's what you think.%26quot;

    Lick the filling out of all the Oreos, and place the cookie parts back in the tray.

    Cultivate a Norwegian accent. If Norwegian, affect a Southern Drawl.

    Forget the punchline to a long joke, but assure the listener it was a %26quot;real hoot%26quot;.

    Routinely handcuff yourself to furniture, informing the curious that you don't want to fall off %26quot;in case the big one comes%26quot;.

    Sculpt your hedges into anatomically suggestive shapes.

    Follow a few paces behind someone, spraying everything they touch with a can of Lysol.

    Deliberately hum songs that will remain lodged in co-workers' brains, such as the Mr Rogers theme song.

    While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.

    Make beeping noises when a large person backs up.

    Leave your Christmas lights up and lit until September.

    Change your name to John Aaaaasmith for the great glory of being first in the phone book. Claim it's a Hawaiian name, and demand that people pronounce each A.

    Sit in your front yard pointing a hair dryer at passing cars to see if they slow down.

    Chew on pens that you've borrowed.

    Invent nonsense computer jargon in conversations, and see if people play along to avoid the appearance of ignorance.

    Wear a lot of cologne.

    Ask people if you may %26quot;interface%26quot; with them.

    Listen to 33rpm records at 45rpm speed, and claim the faster speed is necessary because of your %26quot;superior mental processing%26quot;.

    Sing along at the opera.

    Mow your lawn with scissors.

    Finish all your sentences with the words %26quot;in accordance with the prophesy%26quot;.

    Ask the waitress for an extra seat for your %26quot;imaginary friend%26quot;.

    Go to a poetry recital and ask why each poem doesn't rhyme.

    Ask your co-workers mysterious questions, and scribble their answers in a notebook. Mutter something about %26quot;psychological profiles%26quot;.

    Incessantly recite annoying phrases, such as %26quot;sticky wicket isn't cricket.%26quot;

    Stare at static on the tv and claim you can see the %26quot;magic picture%26quot;.

    Select the same song on the jukebox fifty times.

    Scuff your feet on a dry, shaggy carpet and seek out victims.

    Do not add any inflection to the end of your sentences, producing awkward silences with the impression that you'll be saying more any moment.

    Never make eye contact.

    Never break eye contact.

    Signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.

    Construct elaborate %26quot;crop circles%26quot; in your front lawn.

    Construct your own pretend %26quot;tricorder%26quot;, and %26quot;scan%26quot; people with it, announcing the results.

    Give a play-by-play account of a person's every action in a nasal Howard Cosell voice.

    Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

    Make appointments for the 31st of September.

    Invite lots of people to other people's parties.

    When asked to do things, repeat the instructions to the body parts involved. (ie. %26quot;Hand, will you please open the door.%26quot;)

    When people ask you to do things, mutter under your breath, %26quot;This won't be neccessary where you are going.%26quot;

    Wait until you get to work to shave.

    Tell small children that they don't look very promising.
    This list made me giggle, what do you think?
    Most of those were freakin hilarious. Thanks. I needed a good laugh =)
    This list made me giggle, what do you think?
    So, acting immature in a world filled with adults who cannot spare time with some annoying loser, is considered %26quot;fun%26quot;?

    Whatever floats your boat, champ
    Lol! Those are hilarious!

    I had to save those!

    Im going to do some of those XD
    took ages to read, but it was hilarious, thanks for the laugh, i needed that today.
    I have done many of those things such as shouting numbers when others are counting ( my sister hates that!!!!) I also like to shout Phones Ringing!!! when the phone rings and then wait for someone else to answer it! That X marks the spot thing on road maps rules I will have to get to work on that one right away.
    I have my kids outside cutting the grass right now with scissors not because they have to but because they want to They are getting mad because they cant stay outside and do it cause its getting late
    haha these are hilarious =] thanks for the laugh !
    i have read these before on they are really funny. I see someone else was as bored as me too! hehe
  • charakterset
  • under eye concealer
  • Computer settings help?

    how do i change the setting on my computer for how long it will be when i am not using it before it goes to %26quot;sleep%26quot;

    (I'm not positive its called %26quot;sleeping%26quot; but its when your computer goes black and a little design sort of thing will pop up until you move your move your mouse again)

    I tried the control panel but i am so bad with computers! please help soon! thanks =)
    Computer settings help?
    If needed

    Pictorial instructions for the

    Windows Xp Screen Saver

    can be found at鈥?/a>

    Pictorial instructions for the Vista Screen Saver

    can be found at鈥?/a>

    Video instructions for the Windows 7 Screen Saver

    can be found at鈥?/a>

    Computer settings help?
    The black screen is the screen saver. If you're using a pc, then from the Control Panel go to Appearance and Personalization, then click on Change screen saver, which is located under the first heading, Personalization. In the middle it says Wait ___ can change it here. You can also change what you want to be displayed for your screen saver and whether or not you want to return to the login screen after leaving the screen saver.

    Hey, I need html/css/Java help...?

    go to this site:鈥?/a>

    and put your mouse over the butten that says select. and you will c that it will change, how do you do that?
    Hey, I need html/css/Java help...?

    %26lt;button onmouseover=%26quot;this.className = 'hover'%26quot; type=%26quot;submit%26quot; onmouseout=%26quot;this.className = ''%26quot; style=%26quot;width:76px; height:25px; background-image:url(%26gt;Select%26lt;/button%26gt;鈥?/a>
    Hey, I need html/css/Java help...?

    is a good starting point...

    You will be looking for mouseover [related] effects and events

    I wanna know how to fix my Windows 7 taskbar?

    If you have Windows 7 you might see how at the bottom there is your taskbar. let's say you have two tabs opened in your internet and you minimize it. when you roll over the internet tab with your mouse it shows you your screens. mine isnt doing that anymore. is there a way i can change it back? please help me. thanks :)

    dont know what i mean? here is an example;

    you see how it shows you what you have opened? like that. mine doesnt do that anymore.
    I wanna know how to fix my Windows 7 taskbar?
    mine did that but when i restarted the pc next day it was ok again, maybe you could try restarting it

    Myspace code.?

    So this may seem very confusing. But let me try my best to explain:

    On your myspace page, where you can put your photobucket pictures of your friends or whatever, if you roll your mouse over it you should be able to see where it says in a little yellow box %26quot;photo sharing etc etc etc%26quot; and I want to know how to change that to whatever i want, so that whenever someone scrolls over a picture on my myspace it will say %26quot;this is me%26quot; or something.

    I don't know if there is some kind of code or something for it...So thanks for your help.

    Take care; God bless,

    Myspace code.?
    That yellow box is the Alt Tag.

    The image code should look something like this:

    %26lt;img src=%26quot;http://www.exampleurl,com/%26quot; alt=%26quot;Photo Sharing%26quot;%26gt;

    To change what's in the little yellow box just delete what is written after the %26quot;alt=%26quot; and replace it with what you would like it to say.

    so then it should look more like this:

    %26lt;img src=%26quot;http://www.exampleurl,com/%26quot; alt=%26quot;This is me.%26quot;%26gt;

    Hope that helped!
    Myspace code.?
    idk if u can do that, but u can put ur pictures into a slideshow and make it say whatever you want and it ill take up less space. uu can even decorate it and stuff.
    You'll find your answer on :

    it has the greatest myspace stuff i've ever seen

    How do you make clickable links on myspace?

    Okay well I know how to make them but, I want them to like change a different color and size and be underlined when ever you move your mouse over them. How do you do that?.. Here is a link to show you an example of what I mean....


    Okay well do you see where she has send a message, add comment, summer pictures? Well I want to make a link like that.. How do I do that?


    Please and thank you!

    How do you make clickable links on myspace?
    try something like %26lt;a href=LINK HERE%26gt;%26lt; font color=%26quot;336699%26quot;%26gt;NAME OF WHATEVER THE LINK IS OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO PUT%26lt;/font%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;
    How do you make clickable links on myspace?…
  • database
  • favourite female name
  • Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?

    I don't know if you've ever seen the cartoon or not, but its about 2 labratory mice who plot every day on how to take over the world, It has a cute little theme song, Pinky and the Brain, Bushy and McCain, Neither is a genious and they're both insane, Does it fit? What are your thoughts?
    Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?
    Dude the parallels are uncanny lmao

    no seriously I'm so stealing this joke...thanks

    Do Bushy and McCain need to change their names to Pinky and the Brain?
    No, he should be shown respect by all Americans...President Bush and President McCain!!!!! Thanks to them, we are all happy to sit at our computers and make fun of all the hardworking Presidents and their administration. While they could very well, forget about us and have sit around like sitting ducks so that the terrorists can attack our country again. However, we do not have that happening!! OORAH!!
    Man. It really does get nasty in the politics section.

    I have no problem with the question...but ya'll are some pretty mean %26quot;somethings%26quot; on the answers.

    And most of you are God-loving Republicans, I assume?

    Folks sure do act big and bad when anonymity is involved....
    Obama and his ANAL foul mouthed Pastor Baiter need to work more on keeping that Van a Rockin and getting a hold on ordering more Ebonics made Simple, by two of the biggest PRICKS around.
    Should Hillary and Obama change their names to Itchy and Scratchy?

    Or how about 'Inept and the Totally Inept'?
    Ok. As long as we can call Obama,Wimpy. Now drink your Obama Aid,sweetie.

    As a light joke, it fits in a most perfect manner. Dont think its anything that need's to be discussed in depth. :)

    Thats an insult to a funny cartoon.
    No, they're much less intelligent than pinky and the brain.
    No. Dumb idea. Why don't you go make something useful?
    BUM and Bummer.


    george W pinky and the brain.
    thank you for the laugh. But they should! fits!

    Cursors/mouse and "distance" covered on the monitor?

    Is there a way to change how much %26quot;distance%26quot; on the screen the cursor covers, when one moves the mouse?

    For example, if I set my cursor to the very beginning of the %26quot;ask your question%26quot; field here, then move my mouse an inch to the right, the cursor moves the distance of about 2/3 of the %26quot;ask%26quot; field.

    In particular, I would like make the cursor cover MORE distance with LESS movement of the mouse.

    Cursors/mouse and %26quot;distance%26quot; covered on the monitor?
    click on Start

    click on Control Panel

    click on Mouse

    click on Pointer Options

    move the slide to the right until you get the speed you want

    I have a question when i play movies on my itunes?

    okay, i was watching a movie on full screen on my macbook pro when i wanted to change scenes in the movie. so, i moved the mouse to the little play/rewind/fast forward park of the screen that pops up when you move your mouse. well, some tiny window popped up when i was trying to make the movie louder and i clicked something on accident that made the movie screen really small even though i was in full screen view. can anyone tell me how to change the movie back to full screen?
    I have a question when i play movies on my itunes?
    Two finger click and then select fit to screen.
    I have a question when i play movies on my itunes?
    the time that comes

    How do you make your font smaller?

    Yesterday at work I don't know what I did but now my font is HUGE! And I don't like it that way. I tried the desktop properties and found no option to change the font. I tried holding down the buttons on the mouse while rolling the mouse scroller and that didn't work either. PLEASE....if anyone knows how to fix it I would be very grateful, grateful enough to give you 10 points!!! Thanks!

    How do you make your font smaller?
    View-%26gt;Text Size-%26gt;Medium
    How do you make your font smaller?
    Why do people rate your answer down when its the right answer? If they are desparate for point then have them!

    Report Abuse

    I don't know. I was thinking the same thing. I tried them as they were posted, yours was the second one posted and it worked. I think that means you deserved the best answer.

    Report Abuse

    Hold down the CTRL key and roll your mouse wheel to adjust your font size.

    You owe me 10
    go to view menu%26gt;test size

    and select smaller or medium
    I only know Internet wise.

    View %26gt;%26gt; Text Size %26gt;%26gt; Change
    If you are referring to the font in a web browser then you can change it by simply holding ctrl and scrolling the mouse wheel. Hope that helps!
    click control panel in your computer start bar, and then click display, and Setting, then there are some font there, you can change it your self
    Ur problem is not very clear to me

    r ur desktop item looks large or the font in any appplication looks big. Be specific.

    The alternate u can tyr this right click on ur desktop. Go to %26quot;properties %26quot; then go to %26quot;appearence%26quot; and click on the %26quot;effects%26quot; button then uncheck the %26quot;Use large Icon%26quot; check box. May be this help u if ur Icons looks big

    For font size :try this right click on ur desktop. Go to %26quot;properties %26quot; then go to %26quot;appearence%26quot; then u will see a %26quot;Font Size%26quot; drop down menu select the %26quot;Normal%26quot; and press ok. I m Sure u will be happy

    Enjoy ur Life

    Otherwise be specific.
    If you are running Windows XP, hold down the control key(marked Ctrl) and roll the little wheel that is between the two buttons on the mouse back and forth. It will make the fonts on the screen larger or smaller. Otherwise, go to: start/settings/control panel/display/settings/advanced then change the DPI setting there per the instructions shown.

    Dynamic pop up for website?

    Does anyone know what code can be used, or how I can add pop up boxes to my website like Google Maps uses?

    I have a bunch of links I would like to have boxes pop up when clicked, and not have to change web pages. does this too if you hold your mouse over their images.

    Dynamic pop up for website?
    Ah, has it too. When you enter something for search, then a list of search results comes up. There are little binoculars to preview the page before you go into them.

    Those are actually FLASH objects. It is pretty involved. Its not justa snippet of code, you have to do major designing and Flash programming to create those kinds of popups.

    Macromedia flash objects are graphical interfaces where you can interact with them and they provide a nice video/images like the one you are looking at in
    Dynamic pop up for website?
    use this free online popup window maker.
  • made on fingernails
  • graphics animation
  • Im confused with aim 6.0?

    i accidentally deleted aim 6 so i went a downloaded it again but now its says aim 6.0 and i thought the 0 didn't make a difference so i downloaded it and now i cant do some things that i could do in aim 6 i cant change the aim window thing to like black and blue, black and green, etc. i can barely see my buddy's screen names. and in aim 6 if someone typed something in their description thing it would automatically show but with this aim you have to roll your mouse over it to see it. its annoying how do i change it?
    Im confused with aim 6.0?
    I think I used to have AIM 6 or 6.0 either one. I have never had both. Sorry I couldn't help :(

    P.S. I just deleted it anyways because it didn't seem very safe, I would get a Yahoo Messenger instead! It is the same but BETTER!!! I love it.

    To you specifically Cassie! Am i somebody you want as your lover or not?

    This is to you specifically mouser. Me and you have had this long distance relationship for about a year and 4 months, which is way longer than any other couple. This last 6 months we been fighting and changing quite frequently which has ultimately broken us apart. I been at home trying to contain myself from texting or calling you but I just miss you so much. Ive been addicted to your presence each day so its like an itch i can't scratch. I just really love you so much and being apart is just making me itch more. But right now its still your decision. I really don't want to lose you and i know we keep saying we need time apart from each other but its not working that way. Well at least for me. I keep thinking about you constantly and your the best girlfriend/ partner i'll ever have. That's why i wanna be with you. Your really the right girl for me, but i'm just not sure if i'm the right boy for you. I want you to make this decision with out and regrets and not pressured. Your still young and i am too so im just saying ill be happy with what ever you decide. Also I creepily read your questions and your answers and you just tickle me so much with the way you think, i love your ideology and how you handle everything. I would really love to have you back. I know your feelings have changed but if you look deeply inside that mind that always goes unconscious you'll find all the right feelings. We just need to put some things aside and we could be a happy couple once again. I love you Mouse.
    To you specifically Cassie! Am i somebody you want as your lover or not?
    With all due respect, using Yahoo! Answers to send a rather long love note to someone is probably as bad as attempting to use ChatRoulette to communicate with a specific person...

    Try email?

    How can i pick the perfect hair color to go with my face?

    On TV i have seen those computer programs where you can have a picture of your face and hair and change the color with the click of the mouse to see how that certain hair color would look on your face. Does anyone know of this program or where i can find it.
    How can i pick the perfect hair color to go with my face?
    its your natural color of course!
    How can i pick the perfect hair color to go with my face?
    check the links below for * Hair coloring tips鈥?/a>
    i hd one u have to buy a cd its like a computer game

    Myspace picture question?

    okk well you know how on some myspace profiles when you just scroll over their default picture or like one of their top friends or something it turns like black and white or changes different colors ? how do you do that ? i mean i dont want it to change colors all the times when you look at my profile. just when your mouse like scrolls over a picture or clicks on it. and im not that high tech or whatever on computors so like an easy way to do this ?
    Myspace picture question?
    You can only pull that off in Internet Explorer - anyone viewing your profile with Firefox will not see black-n-white pictures.


    a:hover img {filter:gray;}

    Myspace picture question?
    %26lt;style type=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt;

    a:hover img { filter:gray}

    Hover the picture and it makes it black and white;;here;

    %26lt;style type=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt; a:link img {filter:none;} a:visited img {filter:none;} a:hover img {filter:gray;} %26lt;/style%26gt;

    put that code in your profile:D

    Sims 3 questions! Please help!?

    I have a few questions about sims 3 for mac. Please help me!

    1. I accidently clicked on an option that said for my mouse to not be able to move around.(you know how on sims you can move your mouse around which moves your view around your sims house, town ect) Well it only is letting me stay in one specific view so how do I change this so I can move my mouse around?

    2. How can I get money on sims other than getting my sims a job? Is there some sort of cheat? If so please explain EXACTLY how to do it, I think it has something to do with motherlode but I dont know how to get to the cheat menu so I dont know how to type motherlode in so how do I get to the cheat menu?

    3. Do you have any hints/tips that will help me with sims? I am so excited because my parents just bought it for me but Im not very technical so I really need help figuring out how to play!

    Thanks to people who will help!
    Sims 3 questions! Please help!?
    I don`t have a mac but I think it`s the same on both

    1. go to the menu on the bottom left hand corner (it looks like `...`) click on it once then click on options and a window will open up. There are tabs along the top, the middle one looks like gears, click on it, at the top of the page it should say 猫dge scrolling. make sure that box is checked then click the check mark to apply the changes.

    2. when you`re playing the game go ctrl+shift+c and a line will come accross the top of the screen. you can now type motherlode and it will add $50000 to your household funds. keep repeating this process until you have as much money as you want
    Sims 3 questions! Please help!?
    1. You can use the arrows on your keyboard and move around.

    2. Ctrl+Shift+S

    3. It's like taking care of normal people. So, if that was your life what would you do? It's a fun game, and if you get bored of making your sims good then you can make them do just random things. And if you wanted to you could kill them on purpose.
    You really need to go to Sims 3 site, there are many players there that have been playing for a very long time. They will help you with any questions you have.
  • server
  • how to get a girl with a boyfriend
  • Can anyone help me with my site?

    I'm new to html, and I need some help with the images. When you put your mouse over the menu buttons, they are supposed to change, but it's really slow. Also, the table with the login part is way too big under IEXPLORE, Safari, and Opera, but it looks fine under Firefox. How can I fix this?
    Can anyone help me with my site?
    About the buttons; they're slow because when you put your mouse over, your computer has to download that image automatically before it can be viewed. So this should happen to everyone who views this. And as for the login table, I'm not all that sure. Sorry. ):

    Help needed with html? if you go on this website at the top it says backgrounds and when you rollover your mouse on it the backgroung colour changes :/

    i want to know how i can do that for my website? (:

    Help needed with html?
    that%26#039;s dynamic HTML

    here%26#039;s the source code on the site

    %26lt;body bgproperties=%26quot;fixed%26quot; bgcolor=%26quot;#FFFFE5%26quot; leftmargin=%26quot;70%26quot; rightmargin=%26quot;70%26quot;%26gt;

    聽%26lt;TABLE BORDER=%26quot;5%26quot; CELLSPACING=%26quot;0%26quot; CELLPADDING=%26quot;3%26quot; BORDERCOLOR=%26quot;Blue%26quot;

    ALIGN=%26quot;LEFT%26quot; WIDTH=%26quot;340%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;TR%26gt; %26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cccccc%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccccc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccccc%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;B%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffffe5%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffe5%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffe5%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;A%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffcc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffcc%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;C%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ccffff%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFFFF%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFFFF%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;K%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#33ffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;p align=%26quot;left%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;33FFCC%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;33FFCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;G%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;

    %26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#99ffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;99ffcc%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;99FFCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;R%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#00cccc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;00cccc%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;00CCCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#66cc00%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66cc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66CC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;U%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cccc00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCCC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;N%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ccff00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccff00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFF00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;D%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffccff%26quot; width=%26quot;8%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffccff%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCCFF%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;_%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cc9999%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cc9999%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CC9999%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;C%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffcc00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffcc00%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffcccc%26quot; width=%26quot;10%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffcccc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCCCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;L%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ff9999%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ff9999%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FF9999%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#FFFFE8%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66cc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFFFE8%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;U%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#CCCCFF%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccccff%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccccff%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;R%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;/TR%26gt;

    %26lt;/TABLE%26gt;%26lt;P align=%26quot;center%26quot;%26gt; 聽%26lt;/p%26gt;

    %26lt;P align=%26quot;center%26quot;%26gt; 聽%26lt;/p%26gt;

    Help needed with html?
    Anytime you want to use somebody%26#039;s code, view the source.

    View%26gt;%26gt;Page Source.

    In this site%26#039;s case, the source used for a background color change is:

    %26quot;聽%26lt;TABLE BORDER=%26quot;5%26quot; CELLSPACING=%26quot;0%26quot; CELLPADDING=%26quot;3%26quot; BORDERCOLOR=%26quot;Blue%26quot;

    ALIGN=%26quot;LEFT%26quot; WIDTH=%26quot;340%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;TR%26gt; %26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cccccc%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccccc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccccc%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;B%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffffe5%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffe5%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffe5%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;A%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffcc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffffcc%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;C%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ccffff%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFFFF%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFFFF%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;K%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#33ffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;p align=%26quot;left%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;33FFCC%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;33FFCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;G%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;

    %26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#99ffcc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;99ffcc%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;99FFCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;R%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#00cccc%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;00cccc%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;00CCCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#66cc00%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66cc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66CC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;U%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cccc00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cccc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCCC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;N%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ccff00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccff00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CCFF00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;D%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffccff%26quot; width=%26quot;8%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffccff%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCCFF%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;_%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#cc9999%26quot; width=%26quot;11%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;cc9999%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;CC9999%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;C%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffcc00%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffcc00%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCC00%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ffcccc%26quot; width=%26quot;10%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ffcccc%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFCCCC%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;L%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#ff9999%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ff9999%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FF9999%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;O%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#FFFFE8%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;66cc00%26#039;%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;FFFFE8%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;U%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;TD BGCOLOR=%26quot;#CCCCFF%26quot; width=%26quot;12%26quot;%26gt;

    %26lt;B%26gt;%26lt;A ONMOUSECLICK=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccccff%26quot; ONMOUSEOVER=%26quot;document.bgColor=%26#039;ccccff%26#039;%26quot;%26gt;鈥?SIZE=3%26gt;R%26lt;/FONT%26gt;%26lt;/A%26gt;%26lt;/B%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;%26lt;/TR%26gt;

    %26lt;/TABLE%26gt;%26lt;P align=%26quot;center%26quot;%26gt; 聽%26lt;/p%26gt;

    %26lt;P align=%26quot;center%26quot;%26gt; 聽%26lt;/p%26gt;

    I%26#039;ll give youan example using buttons.

    Make two different buttons and make a rollover button with the button option with the software you are using to make your website.

    You need to put one image as the first button and then the second image as the rollover button and save it

    Taa daa you have the rollover button you want.

    You can make anything this way but it%26#039;s easier to name one example.

    Picture hyperlink question??

    I know how to make a picture into a hyperlink, but i want to edit it like on myspace, when you see people's top friends and ur run your mouse over the picture and it changes like it turns to black and white or rotates or gets larger. you can sometimes see it on skinny/tiny layouts. does anyone know how to do that? or is there a website that can help me with that?
    Picture hyperlink question??
    Dont do myspace so I dont know if they allow flash or javascript, but chances are its one of those 2 things that is making the image larger on mouseover. If they do allow javascript code here is a good site to obtain javascript codes.
    Picture hyperlink question??
    abic_17..please could you tell me how to make a picture into a hyperlink?

    Report Abuse

    Do your editing on your local drive and then re-upload it to My Space.

    Mouseover Pictures With HTML?

    I'm working on a website and have come to a stop because of a small problem I am having.

    I need to learn how to have a mouseover picture (when you put your mouse icon over a picture it changes) I have been told to use Image ready (witch I have), how do I do this? If I need to use html, explain what html codes to use...
    Mouseover Pictures With HTML?
    the easiest way would be to do this in your img tag

    %26lt;img src=%26quot;the image you want when the page loads%26quot; onMouseOver=%26quot;src='the image you want when moused over'%26quot; onMouseOut=%26quot;src='the image you want after the mouse has left the pic'%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;/img%26gt;

    but pay attention to the double and single quotes as they are very important.
    Mouseover Pictures With HTML?
    Create one function which changes the src of images

    %26lt;script language=%26quot;javascript%26quot;%26gt;

    var i

    function change()


    var im = new Array();




    imgVar = im[i];


    if (i==im.length)




    %26lt;img src=%26quot;the image you want when the page loads%26quot; onMouseOver=%26quot;'Change();%26quot; onMouseOut=%26quot;Change();%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;/img%26gt;


    Milind Kansagara

    Web Developer (Cybercomcreation)


    %26lt;script type=%26quot;text/javascript%26quot;%26gt;

    image1 = new Image();

    image1.src = %26quot;over.gif%26quot;;




    %26lt;a href=%26quot;#%26quot; onmouseover=%26quot;image1.src='over.gif'%26quot; onmouseout=%26quot;image1.src='normal.gif'%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;im鈥?src=%26quot;normal.gif%26quot; alt=%26quot;%26quot; border=%26quot;0%26quot; name=%26quot;image1%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;


    Myspace help?

    ok you know how wen your on myspace and you click on someones pic or u just put your mouse on someones pic it can turn negative or black and white or blurry well my question is can someone give me a code to do that cause i like the layout i have it just doesnt do anything wen u pout the mouse on the pic u know wat im sayin (i need a code that will make my pic s and my friends pic on my myspace page change color wen i put my mouse on it ) i hope im detailed enough please and thanks for the help
    Myspace help?
    Try this:

    %26lt;style type=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt; a:link img {filter:none;} a:visited img {filter:none;} a:hover img {filter:xray();} %26lt;/style%26gt;
    Myspace help?
    Go to They have lots of codes for all kinds of things for your page!
  • msdn
  • dynamic editing
  • Whats that thing called on myspace?

    Theres this thing you can get a code for and put on your myspace. Its like the bar on myspace home page at the top that says home, mail, profile, friends, music, video, more, recharge.. Its like that how you can move your mouse over one of them and options will pop up under it. Only you have to click it and then the rest comes up under it. You can change what the button you push says and write your own different things on each space under it when you click it. Like, I want mine to say %26quot;I love:%26quot; and then you click it and my friends and familys names are on there. I dont know what it is called, but I'd like one, and I'd like you to paste me the code for me on here. Or give me a web address where I can find one. What is it called?


    this is driving me crazy!
    Whats that thing called on myspace?

    How to change windows hotkeys? Baby Finger already brokn by pressing ctrl. Alternations for ctrl+c, ctrl+v.Tks?

    Is there any way to change this hotkeys ? if I can simulate keep pressing of ctrl by keep pressing of mouse key , would be better. This has become a burnish problem as I am a software developer and my productivity has gone down cos of this adding some extra stress :(. Highly appreciate your feedback. Thanks people......
    How to change windows hotkeys? Baby Finger already brokn by pressing ctrl. Alternations for ctrl+c, ctrl+v.Tks?
    It is one of the most common shortcuts available in most programs so I think that is very difficult...

    You do have 2 Ctrl keys, one to the left and another to the right. Train yourself to use the best combination. Copy = Ctrl to the right and C with your left hand, and pasting the same Ctrl and V to the left. To print I use the left Ctrl + P with my right hand.

    It takes some time to learn, but it is worth it.

    Settings On Windows Seven?

    a little box popped up when i clicked on the firefox icon and it said %26quot;do you want to allow firefox to make changes to your computer%26quot; and me being the trusting user of firefox that i am i clicked yes. now everything is all different and messed up and its four in the mourning and i dont feel like tryinhg to figure it out. the color of my task bar and the outside of my windows is different, and the setting or whaterver, the way every thing looks is all wrong and i dont know how to change it back. also, before when i held my mouse over the icons on my task bar a little image of them would show up and now that doesnt happen it just says what it is and no not dictation in text
    Settings On Windows Seven?
    Browsers themselves don't make changes to your system: websites make changes.

    Allowing anyone access to a computer, especially logged in as 'Administrator', is seldom a good idea (as you see).

    One possible condition is this:

    Firefox has been hacked by Microsoftie.

    Microsoft has installed (unannounced to you) into Firefox, rubbish that degrades the security of Firefox to little more than IE.

    Check your FF 'Add-on's'%26gt; %26quot;Extensions%26quot; %26amp; %26quot;Plug-in's%26quot; box and disable NET framework, Windows Presentation Foundation, Shockwave, Silverlight, Java stuff, or other active scripting rubbish.

    These MS hacks make it possible for malicious trash to enter the system under several vectors.

    Try %26quot;Malwarebytes%26quot; to start cleaning up your system:

    (free version has no %26quot;real-time%26quot; shield)

    You'll also have to re-name the file (to anything.exe ) in order to run it.

    Go to Start%26gt; 'c' drive%26gt; programs%26gt; malwarebytes folder.

    In that folder find the %26quot; mbam.exe %26quot; file, and rename it.

    System restore should also be turned off.

    Finding that depends on what OS version you have.

    Win7 is: Right click %26quot;Computer%26quot;%26gt; Properties%26gt; System%26gt; System Protection tab%26gt; Configure restore settings...heading %26quot;Configure%26quot; button%26gt; Restore settings @ top%26gt; tick %26quot;Turn off...%26quot; %26gt; OK out.

    Other OS's are similar.

    Update it.

    Then run.

    If this fails to resolve the issues, try installing the new version of Firefox, released yesterday.
    Settings On Windows Seven?
    Didn't get your problem... Try doing system restore...

    How do I get my favorites list and hot mail back on the home page? Thank you in advance for your help?

    Yesterday the whole yahoo page changed. I don't know what happened. We were having problems with the mouse, so we went out an bought a new one. I don't know what the mouse and the home page have to do with one another, but that is what happened. Thank you for your help.
    How do I get my favorites list and hot mail back on the home page? Thank you in advance for your help?
    only you ned to do is go to view then go to toolbar then over there you can set it either yahoo toolbar or hotmail toolbar.However,if you want to make hotmail as your homepage you can go true by using the mouse pointing the internet explorer by right click according to the properties then that page you can set it as default.

    How many of you noticed the Yahoo.......?

    So, have you been vigilant (and curious) enough to notice the temporary new Yahoo Logo? The features include:

    A) Runners go by only when you hover your mouse on the box; and

    B) The runners are in different placements each time

    I find it cool that Yahoo would spent all the time making the runners change. My opinion is that they did this so that people can't complain that Yahoo discriminates.

    What are your thoughts? ;o)

    How many of you noticed the Yahoo.......?
    Yes I noticed that when I tried to click on the exclamation mark to hear it sing Yahoo. So I guess Yahoo is all into the Olympics. Now when you click on the mark you get the olympics sports page.
  • i cant find my scan
  • How do i wash my duvet cover
  • Picture changes into text with a link?

    my friend had a picture on her myspace that when you move your mouse over it, it turns into a word. then you can click and it brings you someplace. i can't figure out how to do it and she removed the picture a while back.

    eg. a picture of an envelope and when you scroll over it it says %26quot;message%26quot; and you can click to send a message.

    help ?
    Picture changes into text with a link?
    It's all in the programming:

    First you must write an html code for that certain thing, the example you use an envelope with a message. you must size the pic down into its different megabits then you assign each megabit the same thing to do eg. turn into a word that says message. then u must hyperlink it to a page in which u can type a message and send it to someone. This is all very complicated, and ur friend must be some great programmer or maybe they've written an app for it on myspace that she's using to do it

    Hope this helps,


    Wednesday 21 September 2011

    My new acer laptop mouse pad left clicker has the name options as my right clicker and I can't change it!!?

    You know when you click with your right clicker copy,paste, properties, ect. comes up but the same options comes up when

    I click the left clicker as well. I don't know how to change it I have changed all the options nd everything.
    My new acer laptop mouse pad left clicker has the name options as my right clicker and I can't change it!!?
    Go to your control panel and double click on your mouse. Browse through your options and make sure your mouse isn't set up for a left-handed user (which would reverse the buttons)
    My new acer laptop mouse pad left clicker has the name options as my right clicker and I can't change it!!?
    the pad is probably broken, just return the computer
    Does this happen everyday...all the time? I have some spy ware that did that. It is also possible that a button on the keyboard is stuck too.
    This could be a hardware fault, ie. problem with the actual touchpad, or it could be a setting that's somehow been changed without your knowledge.

    The easiest way to work out which it is would be to do a System Restore back to a point when you know the touchpad was working correctly. If you've installed programs recently, you may lose these but you won't lose any documents or anything.

    System Restore actually sorts out quite a few problems, and if the problem has been caused by a setting, it will almost certainly correct it. If the problem is still there, it's likely to be hardware-related and you should return it to the store for repair or replacement as I assume it's still under warranty if it's new.

    What happened to my laptop mouse pad?

    You know that little touch area that you drag your finger across for the cursor? I don't know the name for it, mouse pad maybe?

    Anyways, I walked away from my laptop and came back to my two year old pounding keys. Now it seems oversensitive! I drag my mouse and go to double click something (by double tapping my finger) and the cursor jumps off the button.

    How do I change it back?? I can't stand it being this sensitive!!
    What happened to my laptop mouse pad?
    Start %26gt; Control Panel %26gt; Mouse or Touchpad %26gt; find the setting for sensitivity.
    What happened to my laptop mouse pad?
    make changes on the mouse settings for sensitivity.
    it is called touch pad anyway if you are using windows as an operating sis when you turn on your laptop after the post screen press and release the F8 key until you see the screen something like safe mode ,safe mode with networking, start normal etc then select safe mode , after windows starts you will have a msg something like if you wanna go in restoration mode bla bla bla just select %26quot; No%26quot; and then go and restore your laptop to an earlier time , the date must be before your kid pounded keys

    My computer screen is weird please help 10 points right away?

    You know how when you go to a web site and you have your scroll up and down bar on your right...Well there is a scroll bar at the bottom of the page for right to left. Its really annoying I just want to be able to see the page in one view without going side to side and I believe it does this for all websites. I have Xp is there a setting on my computer I can chang to fix this?

    Also when you type in something in lets say... google search bar you click your mouse where you want to type and the flashing black line is there....Well mine is like a flashing black rectangle. Is there a setting to change this back to the line?

    Thanks for your help I will be checking back every few minutes

    As soon as I get an answer that tells me how to fix these problems I will choose best answer 10 points
    My computer screen is weird please help 10 points right away?
    Make the zoom in the bottom right hand corner smaller for the bottom scroll bar

    i dont think there is a setting to change the thing.
    My computer screen is weird please help 10 points right away?
    Try clicking and dragging the bar upwards.
    This is for those rich people with widescreen monitors if you have an ordinary monitor you have to use the zoom setting in the browser. You can change the cursor in control panel %26gt; Mouse in the settings panel some browsers also have a cursor setting under preferences

    How to change the scroll speed.?

    Ok, so at work i have an ancient dell laptop running xp and i wnt to change the scroll speed of my standard dell usb mouse, but the mouse options in control panel are designed for the touchpad, and i dont see anywhere to change the scroll speed because of this fact.

    Thank you for your help
    How to change the scroll speed.?
    well considering your on xp, the search function only looks for documents so dont listen to him. i would say your prob screwed because unless you had to install that mouse, then it does not have its own options pane.

    oh and btw, your pretty cute.
    How to change the scroll speed.?
    try this start and in search type %26quot;mouse%26quot; see if it takes you there

    or %26quot;scroll speed%26quot;
  • bird
  • blond hair
  • How do you make your friends pictures on myspace stay black and white.?

    I have changed my pictures to change black and white when i run the mouse over them, but i want it the opposite way, i want the picture to stay black and white until i run over it with the mouse, does anyone know how to do this thanks
    How do you make your friends pictures on myspace stay black and white.?

    you will find your answer there
    How do you make your friends pictures on myspace stay black and white.?
    Sorry wrong answer, i don't know what was wrong, this computer in this cafe sux. Anyway I don't know, sorry
    google myspace codes

    and look for it

    I dont know what else to say

    I use to know it

    but I forgot the site

    How to make an enter page for my website?

    Kk I already made one but it will take you to the site no matter what part of the image you click on, I want to make an enter page where only when you click on enter it takes you there, and when you hover your mouse over enter the image changes or something, I've downgraded my freewebs to html, so i really wanna do this, help!!
    How to make an enter page for my website?
    The JavaScript for the simple image swap can be put between the link tags:

    %26lt;p%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;URL path to external link%26quot; title=%26quot;Mouseover Description%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;img src=%26quot;image1.gif%26quot; onmouseover=%26quot;this.src='image2.gif'%26quot; onmouseout=%26quot;this.src='image1.gif'%26quot; alt=%26quot;%26quot; /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;

    You can change the %26quot;p%26quot; tags to div tags and style as needed. Maybe use this if you want it centered on page:鈥?/a>

    How to make an enter page for my website?
    Read鈥?/a> for a start.