Saturday 4 June 2011

Why do people say "dont wash your pet mouse"?

i have a pet mouse and my mom and i think it would be fun to make%26#039;m swim when i change his cage cuz it only takes 10 minutes at the most. but ive been doing some research and a lot of people say do not wash your pet mouse! i was just wondering why people say that. also, if i do decide to make him swim, how do i dry him???thanks!|||I tried to do it once

and it like attacked me and scratched up my arms

and stuff really bad so its not really safe

rats dont really like water

if you decide to follow through with it

and your mouse takes it alright

just take a small wash cloth and wipe it back and forth over it

like you would a towel on your hair and that should work

just do NOT blow dry it because its guaranteed to freak out

good luck =]|||It puts A LOT of stress on them. And water washes away very important oils on their coat. They are not very good at swimming and it tires them out and they keep getting more tired, and tired, and tired until they just can%26#039;t tread water any more.

Please don%26#039;t make them suffer!

It may be fun to watch, but it%26#039;s not fun for them AT ALL. It%26#039;s like torture to them.

DON%26#039;T MAKE THEM SWIM FOR 10 MINUTES EITHER! THEY CANNOT SWIM THAT LONG! If you really MUST let them %26#039;have fun%26#039; in the water, fill a container with 1cm deep water so that atleast they can stand and rest.|||I been breeding mice for over a year, and I got over 10 mice, when i clean there cages, i put them in a box til there cages are clean and ready. Then i fill up the tub with warm water and let the mice swim around for about a minute, u can also put a few drops of shampoo on there back and rub it in with water and then rinse them off with running water, use ur hand to spread the water and to clean off shampoo, after that wrap them up in paper towel, and gently wipe them down, u wont get them 100% dry, they will still be damp, after that let them back in there cage where they will dry themselves off with there tong.

P.S. Alot of ppl where dont have alot of experience, But i been bathing my mice for over 10 months there great swimmers, they may freak out at first few times thats because they never been in water befor, but after a few times they are more calm, to know when that happens just put ur hand in the water and they can swim to it, if there ok they will just hold ur hand, if they want out they will try to climb ur arm. Towels arnt that good at drying them off, paper towels are the best.

Also dont let them swim unattended cuz they will get tired eventually. also dont get soap in there eyes.|||Well no efence but....THEY CAN DROWN!Pet mice are not really ment to swim but they can go in shallow water maybey....use a cloth to dry him of gentely?|||Because they are so small and they get scared easily. Also they might breathe it in. And because they are so small their bodies can get cold real easy.