Saturday 4 June 2011

Do your kids ever change your computer settings?

Quite often I find little things that have changed. One of my sons is always changing or adding to the screen saver and another has learned how to switch the mouse over for left handed users (he is left handed and has watched us switch it for him). Today, I find that the cursor has been switched to a hockey stick and puck. Sometimes they change the colors of our homepage as well (the other day it was blue, now it is orange).

Do any of your kids do things like this?|||All the time! The other day I set my daughter (6) up with a computer game. Come back to the computer with XXXL font. My mother was over and went to use the computer. She told me maybe I should see an eye doctor. LOL! |||My neice altered my Itunes settings. She changed my password but kept my credit card information. I didn%26#039;t notice until I saw an itunes bill for$34 on my bank statement. She was 10!|||Ya, it%26#039;s normal when you have kids on a computer and they%26#039;re you have K9 installed? that%26#039;s a great safe program|||Yes, all the time and it drives me crazy! He downloads games etc, or saves settings to the things he likes. I just decided to have him on his own log in user so he can change the settings on his log in to whatever he wants and I just monitor occasionally to make sure he is not doing anything inappropriate.|||im a 10 and i do it all the time to my mom but the soulotion is you can make a password protected account|||Kids doo it all the time just to annoy there parents. They wanna be creative and have fun with the computer. If you find this annoying you can have a password locked acount. You can go to my setting and password lock it OR ask one of your sons to switch it back.|||this is why we all have seperate window accounts. My son can change whatever he likes on HIS account and it will not affect mine.

We all have our own screen savers, desktop backgrounds etc.

Me and my hubby have passwords to log into our window accounts which stops my son snooping or changing our settings.

|||You know how, with an apple computer, when you press the scroll thingy you get all these things like time and calendar etc.? Well, my 3 year old sister went on the computer and put time ductionry,google,ads,wordpaper,etc. on it and I don%26#039;t even know how!