Saturday 4 June 2011

How often do you change your hammy's aspen?

Hi! I recently switched from carefresh to aspen bedding, just because of the fact that, for the same amount, aspen is $15 whereas carefresh is $90. (30 dry gallons each)

I have heard from some people, change it once a week, from some, change it twice a week, and from some, change it every 4-5 days. So, what should I believe?

How about for one dwarf hamster? For two? For three?

Today I got two hammy sisters, living together in a 3gal aquarium (I literally gasped with shock, that is no home for ONE hamster, let alone two!) and it looked like their bedding hadn%26#039;t been changed in MONTHS, thank god I got them and can provide a better home for them. The bedding also looked like cedar. (-gasp-) But, anyway, the person didn%26#039;t know how to care for their wittle babies, haha. In the future, I may be homing the three sweater girls together (Greta, Marilyn, and Katharine) so if there were three hamsters together (Either in a 4-cage modular home or a 120qt bin cage) how often should I change the bedding then?

I know, my questions are always overly long, but I like talking, haha.


People with aspen bedding, how often do you change it, how often do you -recommend- changing it for one dwarf, two dwarfs, and three dwarfs, and how many hammies/rats/mice/cavvies etc do you have in -your- cage? Thank you for your help. ;)|||ine used aspen for ALONG time but one day they didnt have it so i switched over to carefresh :)

well it doesnt really %26quot;absorb%26quot; and when the water or urine are on the aspen it doesnt go any where it just STAYS there i mean EVENTUALLY it will SLOWLY soak in but....i cleaned my cage once a week or every two weeks i only had one hamster

i have a chinese dwarf and HES SOO NICee!! he never bit me!

well i wouldnt technically say saving the hammies cuz more hamsters will be in that same cage soo...but they do need better lives :) but...|||when it gets dirty, but my hamster was litter trained so mine rarely needed to be changed...maybe like once a month