Saturday 4 June 2011

I want to make a flash website but i need some help...?

so far i can make a button that changes when your mouse scrolls over it but i am not sure how to make the text when you click on the button anyone know what i need to do or a website that i could goto to teach me how to do this?|||I%26#039;m not quite sure what you%26#039;re saying, but if I understand you correctly, you wish to make a textbox say something when you click on a button, right?

To do this, you will need to know how to use actionscript and how to change the instance name of a textbox or button.

Place the button on the stage, and in the properties window change it%26#039;s Instance name to something like txtChange_btn

Create a text field on the stage, and make sure it%26#039;s a dynamic text field, and that the name is something like txtChange_txt

Lastly, click on the stage where there%26#039;s whitespace and open up your actionscript window.

Place this code there:

txtChange_btn.onClick = function(){

txtChange_txt.text = %26quot;You clicked the button.%26quot;;


This should work although I haven%26#039;t used flash in awhile...