%26lt;style type=%26quot;text/css%26quot;%26gt;
#tablist{ padding: 3px 0; margin: 0; float: left; }
#tablist li{ list-style: none; display: inline; margin: 0; color:#000000 }
#tablist li a{
text-decoration: none;
padding: 4px 22px;
margin-right: 2px;
background:#0080C0 url(images/corner.gif) no-repeat top right;
font-weight: bold;
a span.farsi, a:hover span.en {
display: inline;
a:hover span.farsi, a span.en {
display: none;
#tablist li a:hover{
background:#FF0000 url(images/corner.gif) no-repeat top right;
#tablist li a.current{
background: #9FC7D8 url(images/corner.gif) no-repeat top right;
color: #2F637A;
padding: 6px 22px;
#tablist .key { text-decoration: underline; }
%26lt;ul id=%26quot;tablist%26quot;%26gt;
%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;aboutus.html%26quot;%26gt; %26lt;span class=%26quot;farsi%26quot;%26gt;丿乇亘丕乇賴 賲丕%26lt;/span%26gt;聽%26lt;span class=%26quot;en%26quot;%26gt;About Us%26lt;/span%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
%26lt;li%26gt;%26lt;a href=%26quot;archive.html%26quot;%26gt;%26lt;span class=%26quot;farsi%26quot;%26gt;丌乇卮蹖賵 亘乇賳丕賲賴 賴丕%26lt;/span%26gt;聽%26lt;span class=%26quot;en%26quot;%26gt;Archive%26lt;/span%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/li%26gt;
How to fix the following problem in FireFox browser using CSS and HTML?
This script highlights the background of a %26lt;TD%26gt;, and works on ALL browsers:
The call:
%26lt;td id = %26quot;id1%26quot; onMouseover = %26quot; js_highlight(this,'id1') %26quot; onMouseout = %26quot; js_restore (this,'id1') %26quot; %26gt;
The function:
function js_highlight(x,id)
var iex = document.getElementById(id);
iex.style.backgroundImage = %26quot;url(pics/bkgnavon.jpg)%26quot;; // FOR IE
x.style.backgroundImage = %26quot;url(pics/bkgnavon.jpg)%26quot;; // WORKS ON ALL PASSING %26quot;THIS%26quot;
function js_restore(x,id)
var iex = document.getElementById(id);
iex.style.backgroundImage = %26quot;url(pics/bkgnav.jpg)%26quot;; // FOR IE
x.style.backgroundImage = %26quot;url(pics/bkgnav.jpg)%26quot;; // WORKS ON FF (PASSING %26quot;THIS%26quot;)
How to fix the following problem in FireFox browser using CSS and HTML?
You're writing IE-specific code. Write normal code and butcher it for IE. (You're doing it backwards - accommodating the broken browsers, then looking for a way to make browsers that work correctly work on your broken code.)